
Thursday, 20 August 2020

Respecting The Rules of Kawa of Care

This week in Te Ngahere we have been learning about the Kawa of Care. If you don’t Know what Kawa of Care is it’s the rules of your chromebook. It’s really good to stick to your Kawa of Care because it will keep your chromebook safe. I have created a Kawa Of Care D.L.O it also explains rules about the Kawa of Care. What I did well is I picked good rules to explain. What I could do better is remember to stick to the rules like putting the case on my chromebook. What are some rules your school has for your chromebook.

Friday, 14 August 2020

Our Magnificent Movie

In Te Ngahere we have been making movies, our movies are group activities. My groups movies about something like Dora the explorer but it's called Lora the Maori Explorer. Before we were able to start to film we had to write our script, angles, film type and much more. I found out there is much more than just filming  that goes into a movie. I like doing my movie because my group is very positive and makes me happy when I’m filming. What I did well was I learned my lines. What I could do better is I can stop laughing while we are filming.   Have you ever made a short film before?

Wednesday, 5 August 2020

The Non-Stop Running.

We have been training for cross country. We run for 15 minutes straight to one goal post around a playground and in a loop. We run most days and it is really tiring. There are people in my class that are all for PE. They find PE as a way to have fun. I feel like I need to run more because I have been getting distracted and have been chatting to my friends more than doing the running. What I did well is ran a little bit. What I could do better is Block out my friends and do better running. Do you like running?

LInk This is the link to the training we have been doing.