
Tuesday, 26 November 2019


This week we get to choose how we are going to learn in reading but we still have a focus because the teachers wanted us to have successful experience the focus are Sentence structure - short sentences grab attention, long sentences create atmosphere.

Vocabulary - You need to share the details but be succinct with the words. How do they craft their message with less words? What word, if removed, does not affect the message?

The Opening Hook - How do they going to capture their reader’s attention from the outset? Are they a little mysterious? Have they raised a problem? What’s likely to arouse the reader’s curiosity?

Twist at the end - Have they created a twist. The unexpected. What’s the important occurrence in the story that is going to satisfy the reader that the story has finished and there are no unanswered questions?

Mood. but with a partner and this is going to be fun because I get to explore my mind on this. Choosing what to use was easy because we put both our plans into one.

I love the stories we get given because it is fun, easy and hard at the same time. Working in a group can get difficult if you and that person can't get along. Lucky in our group we were able to put ideas together to make one big idea and this is why it is important to collaborate and think of things before doing them. What found easy was I listened to ideas and collaborated on them. What I could do better is read closely to what the story is saying. What would you create to share your learning?

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

The importance of eating healthy

This week we had a visit from Whaea Gina and she is a energize asastiot. She is an influencer and a fitness person. We learnt about healthy eating and what it can give you. Whaea Gina is a smart because she said that we can get glowing skin if we have a lot of different colored veggies and fruits but you need more vegetables than fruit. I love learning about this because it can help me balance my diet with healthy food as long with meat. What I am going to do with this learning is I am going to remember to eat healthy and to always balance my diet. What do you like about eating healthy?

Thursday, 14 November 2019

Tuia 250

Last Friday Paihia School attended the Tuia 250 event. This event was held to commemorate 250 years of the Pakeha meeting Maori. We went to see the Tuia 250 flotilla which means we got to see waka come in. These were the names of the waka/ boats that all traveled here Ngahiraka, Mai Tawhiti, Fafatie, Haunui, Endeavour, R tucker Thompson and Spirit of New Zealand. This was an amazing adventure because these waka were sailing all around the world and to see them coming in is phenomenal. I like this very much and can't wait until the next generation will see this in their lifetime. I found this an amazing learning opportunity and it is easy for me to understand why they do this flotilla now because I know that it is to celebrate 250 years of the meeting between Pakeha and Maori. How would you feel if you got to see this?

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Duffy show

Kia ora bloggers, at Paihia School we had a visit from the Duffy show people. The show was about Duffy stuck in the Gaming world. It was a funny show because they went through a lot of scenes and it reminds me of when I was making my movie but there one was live. It was confusing but they let us join in to solve things and interact with them. I like that they came because it was funny and fun. What I did well is that I interacted and I liked the show with listening. What I could do better is volunteer to go up to try out the play. I wish this could happen again, well blog you later.

Waitangi writing

Kia ora, this week we have being doing a practice test on explaining why the Waitangi Treaty Grounds is special? I thought I did it well because I learned things then I practice before we had the test so I could have extra facts when we did the test. I don’t know when we are going to do the actual test because it will be unexpected this is my writing. How could I make this better?